Korean Spicy Beef Broth Soup Nutrition


Emily Hlavac Greenish

Yukgaejang is a spicy Korean beef soup loaded with warm earthy vegetables like mushrooms, leeks, and gosari (described below). It should boil for a adept two hours to coax out and meld the flavors from the beef and veg. The meat besides needs a moment to go tender. It'due south worth the fourth dimension and try, especially since it'll brand one large batch to reheat over a few meals. Serve it with a bowl of rice, as is traditionally washed.

Important aside: I was smitten by my now-husband over his kickoff bowl of yukgaejang. Something nearly him crying hot and spicy tears of joy did me in.

There is no substitute for Gochugaru.

Gochugaru, ground Korean chili peppers, is what gives yukgaejang a hearty kick and the gleaming red chili oil. It's essential to a Korean pantry. Gochu means "chili pepper" and garu means "powder". To make gochugaru, crimson chili peppers are ripened on the plant, seeded, and sun-dried earlier ground either into flakes or pulverization. Either can exist used in this recipe. It's deeply red, barely sweetness and smoky, and range from mild to sizzling hot. Other forms of ground chili similar crushed reddish pepper, paprika, or cayenne pepper are too mild, too spicy, also coarse, besides bland, or not ruby-red enough to be suitable for this recipe.

Other notable ingredients:

Gosari are immature fronds of bracken, a wild plant that is foraged along the hills and mountains of Korea. It'south typically served equally banchan (a side dish) or in yukgaejang. It has a delicate but distinctly earthy flavor. When shopping for information technology, attempt fernbracken, bracken, bracken fiddlehead, or fernbrake. It's available dried, pre-soaked, or fresh. I prefer them dried because they can live in your freezer forever. Information technology'll need to soak in a hot water bath to get plump, soft, and edible.

Dangmyeon are sparse circular chewy noodles made with sugariness potato starch. For this recipe, soak them in hot h2o first so the noodles don't dodder together in the pot. Glass noodles, cellophane noodles, or rice vermicelli are adept substitutes.  Dangmyeon is usually sold in a behemothic bag, so make japchae adjacent.

Why soak the beef?

When making soups, Koreans typically soak the uncooked beef in cool water. This draws out some of the blood. The soaked beef is drained, rinsed, and then simmered in h2o, resulting in a clearer broth.

In this recipe I use a pound of beef brisket. Information technology is flavorful and has the perfect texture, merely it is as well decidedly luxurious. As an culling, whatever cutting of tough meat that benefits from a long and slow cook works – chuck, rump or round.

Have yous tried this nonetheless? Let us know how it went in the comments below!

Yields: 8 servings

Prep Time: 0 hours xxx mins

Total Time: three hours thirty mins

1 lb.

beef brisket


peeled medium onion, one-half kept whole and half thinly sliced


dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms

3 tbsp.


3 tbsp.

sesame oil

ii tbsp.

soy sauce

2 tbsp.

minced garlic, from about 10 cloves

1 tbsp.

kosher common salt

ane/two tsp.

freshly ground blackness pepper

1 c.

dried gosari, soaked in hot water for 30 minutes and cut into 2-inch pieces


leek, quartered lengthwise and cutting into two-inch strips

6 oz.

mung edible bean sprouts

1 c.

dangmyeon, soaked in hot water for 30 minutes, optional

Cooked rice, for serving

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  1. In a large pot, add beef brisket and enough cool water to fully cover it.  Allow information technology sit down for 30 minutes. Drain, rinse, and return beef brisket into the pot. Add fourteen cups of water, halved onion, and shiitake mushrooms. Set up over high heat until information technology comes up to a hard boil.  Lower estrus to simmer for 1 60 minutes and 30 minutes without a lid on. Occasionally skim off fatty and scum that comes up to the top with a ladle or large spoon.
  2.  In a small-scale basin, combine gochugaru, sesame oil, soy sauce, garlic, salt, and blackness pepper.
  3. Remove pot off heat. Scoop out beef brisket, onion, and shiitake mushrooms into a medium bowl and allow to absurd. Discard the onion. Thinly piece beefiness brisket into bite-sized pieces, almost 1/four-inch thick and 1 ane/2-inches long. Thinly piece shiitake mushrooms. Return the beef brisket and shiitake mushrooms into the pot.
  4. Add together sliced onions, gochugaru mixture, gosari, leeks, and mung bean sprouts into the pot. Stir to combine. Set over medium-high heat and boil for about thirty minutes. Optional: Add together soaked dangmyeon for the terminal x minutes of cooking.
  5. Adjust seasoning with boosted table salt, if needed. Serve with cooked rice.

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Myo Quinn is a professionally trained chef, recipe developer, food author and on-air talent.

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Source: https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a35047733/korean-soup-yukgaejang-recipe/

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