Kinda Funny Thank You Alex Kraus


Thursday, May 7, 2020

I had the enormous pleasure to meet Michael and Ellen when they visited Spain. I have no words to express how incredible they were. We had amazing memories from their visit. Michael was always eager to learn more about the Spanish culture and, of course, about wine. I was devastated when I heard about the notice but at the same time confident that all the memories and good times he created with the people around him, will always be with us. I send John, Ellen, and all the family a big hug.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I met Michael briefly when I visited his son Jon in NY before both of us left to LA for a summer camp job. Ellen and Michael were incredibly welcoming, even when I caught them in the middle of moving to the west. It was just fun to talk to Michael, as it is to be friends with Jon. I can recall his ease to converse and to give his opinion but also to ask for yours with genuine curiosity and great sense of humor. Im grateful for the moments we shared, which were always around amazing asian or mexican food and for the times he instructed Jon to take me to even more places to try food. There is nothing that I can say about a man who shared so much with everyone (and that was a fan of AOC) except that he was exceptional. I wish the best to Michael's family and friends, may everyone find the strength and peace they need. -Alex

Monday, May 4, 2020

I am so incredibly saddened to hear about the passing of Mike Kraus. Mike and I met during my Clarity Media Group says while he worked as accountant and I an office assistant in NYC. Our phone calls would go something like this: "Hey Eastwick" and I would reply, "Whaddya want Kraus?!" Our playful, New Yorker-like banter would continue for all the years I worked for CGM. We always got a chuckle off of breaking each other's "chops". I wish we would have kept in touch. Such is one of life's greatest lessons, however: keep up with your friends. Sending my sincerest condolences to his family and friends during this very difficult time.

Monday, May 4, 2020

We were so very sad to learn that Michael passed. He will be greatly missed. We met Michael when he began providing accounting services to my employer more than 15 years ago. Michael had a generous spirit and made every interaction engaging and personal. He was patient and thorough and went beyond the expectations of his role. At one point Michael and I learned that we had a second connection through our personal networks. This brought a new dimension to our relationship. Mike always asked after my family and repeatedly offered that we visit him and Ellen. He was a good man, talented in his craft and remained centered around priorities of family and goodwill. We will miss him and wish the best for Ellen and his family. God bless.

Mariko posted a condolence

Friday, May 1, 2020

Mike handled the bookkeeping at my company and I worked closely with him over the years on accounting matters. He was one of the first people I met and worked alongside so early into my career. Every time we would jump on the phone to talk about work, the conversation was warm, friendly, and never just about work. We would often find ourselves drifting off into long conversations, hours later realizing that we still had work to do! Mike was a wonderful conversationalist. A great listener with a positive outlook on life. I will always cherish these conversations and will strive to create the kind of working relationships Mike so effortlessly achieved over the years. He treated people with such kindness, regardless of their rank or age. It was always people & human connection before work. I am grateful for his guidance throughout my early years on the job, his patience, and humor. He will be truly missed. Thank you, Mike, for all the great chats. - Mariko

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My first memory of Mr. Kraus when I used to go up to Yonkers with Jon and stay with his family during Thanksgiving break. Those were some of my fondest memories in college as I got to meet Jon's family, ate their food, and make myself comfortable as what I hope was a considerate house guest. I remember when Mr. Kraus rocked a goatee pretending that he looked like one the band members from Metallica and always calling me "dude." On other artistic things in life, Mr. Kraus shaped my attitude towards wine when he told me the most important thing is that if you like it, that's what matters. In the end, he said, it's just grape juice. One memory that sticks out was one time a family friend of the Kraus household sent over some allegedly special/rare wine. Allegedly special/rare, the person never said anything about it tasting good because when Mr. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus drank that "special/rare" wine they both looked each with that look of "nah...." and gently bumped their heads together in tacit acknowledgment that the wine was so-so. Just as Mr. Kraus enjoyed wine, he also enjoyed going to Great NY Noodle Town. Going to with Jon to Noodle town was fun, but going with Mr. Kraus to Noodle town was something special as he would regal us in stories of old New York and how life used to be like back in the day as we chowed down on the staples of chow main, salt pepper pork chops, wontons, and roast meats. He also used to have an expletive nickname for that restaurant, too impolite to mention here, but funny enough that I still smile and laugh every time I think about him saying it. Having known him for over 10 years and always stayed at the Kraus family home in Yonkers, I was so excited to finally have him and Jon over to my apartment many years ago where we drank great wine, ate fine charcuterie, and had an out of this world home-cooked bone-in ribeye steak. My small way of trying to repay all his kind generosity and hospitality. Our culinary adventures also carried over to the fruits of the sea as well from having Greek lunch in DC with my family to Elias Corner in Astoria multiple times. It will not be the same going back to Elias's corner without Mr. Kraus, but I'll always remember the good times and food we had there. As you can tell, many of my memories with Mr. Kraus were over food and conversation and as I grew as a person, the food we ate tasted better and our conversations became of more substance. I loved talking about politics, family life, Chinese culture, and Jewish foods with Mr. Kraus. His memory lives on with me as I continue to talk about progressive politics, drink red wines, go to Noodle Town, and eat great steaks. I am lucky to have known him.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

I had the pleasure of meeting Micheal while Jon and I were roommates years ago. Even before he arrived to stay at our apartment, Jon was already telling me how awesome his dad was and that they always had a great time together. Getting to know Michael Kraus during his stay was such a great experience. I remember us having long conversations about just anything, really, and thinking what a cool dad Jon had. I could see so much of a resemblance in their approach to life, appreciating good food and exploring what the city had to offer. Rest in peace, Micheal.


Saturday, April 25, 2020

I met Ellen in '87 and we met each others significant others. We lived in NY at the time and arranged to go to my mother's house in RI for the weekend. Ellen and Michael, Richard and I and another classmate - Bert. We stopped and purchased crabs and I think lobsters along with chourico and linguica. That weekend we played with our food -had crab races - ate wonderful stuff cooked by Ellen and Michael and had the most epic Monopoly game of all time. We decided to be characters. Richard and I were Ed Koch and Bess Myerson, Michael and Ellen were Donald and Ivanka Trump and Bert was the slumlord. (This was the 80's folks!) The game finally ended around dawn, and as in real life, the slumlord won! We always had a good time with Michael and Ellen and family and we had many great conversations and learned a little bit about wine (ice wine!). Our kids liked each other and they remember our visits to the Kraus household. Michael was a good man with great friends and family and he will be missed.

Friday, April 24, 2020

My friend Michael was a true human being who is going to be missed very much. All those fun times ,I will never forget . God bless your soul & may you Rest In Peace . It was a pleasure & an honor to have worked with you all those years. I'm sure you are praying for us all in heaven. May god almighty give comfort to your family & friends during these difficult times. Your friend ,George Aryeh

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Michael was always so uplifting and kind. He worked with my family and i as an accountant for many years and was wonderful both professionally and personally. He would never forget to ask about our lives, our family's wellbeing and to just chat about life. He was such a unique and happy person, always positive and a joy to be around. Even though we did not get to spend enough time with him, it was clear to us that his sensitivity and kind-hearted nature was extra-ordinary. May his memory and special smile live on. -Morad Aryeh

Monday, April 20, 2020

I had the pleasure of meeting Michael Kraus sometime in December of 2011 when I was visiting Jon. I REALLY got to know Michael when I was stuck in his house for 3 full weeks during a very snowy January. Whether he liked it or not, I was sleeping over till the roads cleared and I was able to get back to DC. The whole situation was serendipitously perfect and inconveniently welcoming, thanks to Michael and Ellen. He treated me like one of his boys. We cooked, bad-mouthed politicians, shared delicious wines and cheeses, and even fixed a leaky window -just like one of the boys. Michael was a passionate man who read up on everything that brought him joy; I admired that about him the most. His curiosity made him a smart man with lots of wisdom… and opinions. He was never entitled about his knowledge, but rather always enthused to share it…Just like how he was with his home, his belongings, and his heart…With anyone who was willing to receive it. Thanks for being an amazing father to not only your kids, but their friends. David

Monday, April 20, 2020

A huge portion of my good childhood memories were spent in the company of my Uncle Mike, my 姑姑, and my cousins Jon and Elliot. To me, they're all part of a whole entity that I can associate my childhood happiness with. I can't believe one part is gone. All those years spent cooking in the kitchen, Uncle Mike at the head of the thanksgiving table, visiting cool coffee shops and bookstores, eating so much good food... it won't be the same without you and your jokes, Uncle Mike. I grew up really shy but you always made me feel cooler than I was. Then when I was older you told me to do whatever made me happy and not care what people think. I miss you very much but it's comforting to know that If there is a heaven, you're probably up there with Picasso and Matisse. Thanks for being the coolest uncle I could ever ask for and for raising the best cousins any girl could have. Love you! Whitney

Monday, April 20, 2020

Ellen, Jon, & Elliot, We were so sorry to hear of Michael's passing. Our thought and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. I only had the pleasure of meeting him one time during a dinner that he and Ellen hosted for us at your house in NY. I had great memories of that night I only wish we could have done it again. I heard a lot of great stories from Ellen over the years about your dad, and I am sure you have many more that will hopefully ease the pain. God bless, please be safe. I hope you see you guys again soon. -David & Carmen Kenner 770-670-8298

Connie posted a condolence

Monday, April 20, 2020

It is with a heavy heart that I write this. I have known Mike for many years professionally and personally. It started first as a working relationship but over the years after talking about the accounting work he was doing for us we would inevitably get off the topic of work and discuss everything from his wife Ellen that he adored and his sons that he was so proud of, to food wine and yes some politics. After about an hour we would get back to our working topics. I will be reminded of him everyday at work but also as someone I called a dear friend. " We are here to celebrate your life And the measure of its worth and every single life you touched while you were on this earth" May you rest in peace Michael

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Michael, I wish I could have known you longer. Ellen and I were good friends in our younger days, but had kind of lost touch through the years. When we finally had the chance to reconnect, we could only see each other a couple of times. The first time I met you, I already felt that Ellen and you were the perfect couple: you both are nice, warm and gentle, and I was happy that you got to retire on the west coast, doing what you loved to do. It's sad that you are gone too soon, yet your memory will always be with us. Rest in peace.

Mathew Longiaru and Emily Longiaru planted a tree in memory of Michael Kraus

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Remember that we love and care about you.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

We will miss you.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ellen: Please accept our heartfelt condolences... we remember Michael's kindness and hospitality. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your sons during this time. With Sympathy, Vivian & sons

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Thank you for inviting us to your house for amazing meals and adventures. We are going to miss you.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

1月中國新年的時候,在Facetime與你見過面,轉瞬間、收到你不幸的消息,令我難以接受,十分難過 。回想起以前在夏天到你們家BBQ 那些開心情景,令我很難忘。現在你被無情的病毒奪去了寳貴的生命,大家非常傷心難過,希望你一路好走. Michael, 我們永遠懷念你!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Michael is one of the most genuine people I have had the pleasure of knowing. Within hours of meeting him, we were discussing life, religion, and the universe, and he has always been a wonderful conversationalist. His wanderlust took him and Ellen on many journeys around the world, and it was always a pleasure to hear about their discoveries and experiences upon their returns. I admire his curiosity and pursuit of new people, knowledge, cultures, and experiences. Michael was a fiery soul, always quick to share of himself, but more than anything he cared deeply about his loved ones. As someone who was lucky enough to be in the warmth of his circle, I always felt welcome, listened to, and cared for. Michael and Ellen have been like a second family to me. And I will always be grateful for the time we have spent together. Michael - your absence will be felt, but your light and memory will live on in the hearts of all those who had the immense pleasure of knowing you.

Lewis uploaded photo(s)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

To our greatest Oenophile, Thank you for the annual barbecues, the intellectually stimulating discussions, and of course, the superb wines. You will be missed. Lewis and Stephanie

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Ellen: me and Cissy had shared so much great time with you and Mike since you guys moved over to the Northwest. Mike was such a fantastic, fun loving , kind, easy going pal. Ellen, you are such a loving supportive wife to Mike. I especially enjoyed the deep philosophical, cultural and political conversation with Mike. His companionship enriched me tremendously. I will forever miss my great bro, Mike. Yet I know that you are a tough woman , who will move on graciously and wonderfully with Mike in a big special place of your heart. Me and Cissy will always be here for you.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Michael, thank you for coming into our lives! The memory of you becomes a treasure……留着一盏灯,讓我們的心境永遠不會近黄昏……

Thursday, April 16, 2020

We are so sorry... we still can't believe it. Our deepest condolences and also deepest condolences from your Tuscan Friends in Frassini. Love, Armelle, Annette, Brice & Camille

Thursday, April 16, 2020

We didn't know Michael very well. But we do know that even though he was not on the Coop Board, both Michael and Ellen worked behind the scenes when our Coop Building was going into bankruptcy. They spent a lot of their own time making sacrifices for the sake of this building and everyone that lives in it. We firmly believe, Michael and Ellen were one of the keys God used so that our building would not be foreclosed. Thank you, Michael and Ellen. We will be forever grateful. Russell & Jean

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ellen, Michael and you will forever be associated in my mind and heart with Madeira the place and Madeira the wine! That day in that store I think Michael sensed that I was a kindred oenophile. He was a loving, kind man--full of life, adventurous, and so giving of himself. He lived to live and to love--and he did so love you and your sons. How fortunate to have had him for 36 years.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

We had great barbecues throughout the years. He's a great father and husband. Uncle Michael will sorely be missed.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

好懷念 Michael.

Ellen uploaded photo(s)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

緣份雖盡,心結永連 RIP, my 青蛙王子

Thursday, April 16, 2020

In my last conversation with Michael, it was supposed to be just some mundane discussion of Medicare since he was ready to sign up and wanted to do it right. That conversation could have lasted 5 or 10 minutes and we both could have been off doing the next thing on our list. Instead, it became so much more. It started as a renewal of our friendship, moved into mutual topics of interest and became a sharing of how we viewed the world around us from the perspective of who we are. This everyday conversation lasted over an hour and spoke volumes about what kind of person Michael was. He touched people's lives and became part of their hearts and minds. He will always be in mine. --With all my love, Heidi Hirschfeld

Nav lit a candle

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Michael I am heartbroken! I was so looking forward to your return from hospital so we could crack a favorite wine and celebrate. I had already picked out the perfect bottle. Yes, we will definitely celebrate your life and our time together(which feels awfully short right now) and salute your kindness and big big heart!!! It was truly amazing how we clicked instantaneously with our love for wine and the chase to find great wine before they became marketing labels and travel and food (will never forget you taught me how to make the perfect steak). Michael I will truly cherish the great times we had together and know that whenever I have a nice steak or wine I will have a big smile and be thinking of you my friend. Rest In Peace... Om Shanti.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Michael was a very dear friend and we were so fortunate to get to know him over the years. We all come from different backgrounds but our love for good food, wine and travel was a huge magnet and we instantly clicked. I will never forget how Michael would always request us to make Lamb Saag (spinach) every time he came over. We tried many tricks on him including serving other meats with the spinach and telling him it was lamb, but he could not be tricked!! He knew his food and wine to the T. After a few bottles down, we would sit and discuss our intended travels together to France, Italy, Spain and India. His eyes would light up as he spoke endlessly about the wineries and restaurants to visit. We always had a lovely time with him around. To me personally, he was full of wit and his carefree remarks would put me to splits.  The bond our family shares with the Kraus' is priceless. It is rare to find such wonderful, caring individuals with similar interests, who truly become your family in such a short time. We will miss you dear Michael and will always remember and cherish our time spent together. It was always so much fun because of you!! Rest in peace dear Michael and we know you will always be there with us in spirit. - Vinita Mathur

Ian uploaded photo(s)

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

We feel blessed having known Mike and having had the opportunity to travel to Japan together earlier this year and eating some of the best food in the world, including beef that was "the best shit" ever. You will always be in our hearts. Since we know you're probably having a wonderful glass of wine wherever you are, we raise a cup of good coffee to you! Love always, Ian and Vera

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I loved Michael & will miss him sorely! As a client of his, he was my mother's & I "rock". He worked tirelessly doing our work. Sometimes his emails would come in to me at 4AM! He was a kind man & I loved getting together with him annual. He was so jovial!! RIP, Michael!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The family of Michael Kraus uploaded a photo

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The family of Michael Kraus uploaded a photo

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The family of Michael Kraus uploaded a photo

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

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